World Clock Deluxe Icon

Copy times from the Clocks palette pop-up menu

If you are showing clocks in the Clocks palette pop-up menu, you can easily copy their times to the Clipboard.

To copy a clock's time to the Clipboard:

  1. Make sure your are showing clocks in the Clocks palette pop-up menu.

    Customize the Clocks palette pop-up menu

  2. Click any clock in the Clocks palette, select the clock whose time you want to copy in the Clocks palette pop-up menu, and display its Copy Time submenu.

  3. If needed, edit the format of the time you want to copy.

    • Press the Shift key to use either 12-hour or 24-hour time.

    • Press the Control key to show or hide seconds.

    • Press the Option key to show or hide the date.

    • Press the Command key in case the clock shows the time in a city and you wish to show or hide its time zone abbreviation.

    • Press the Function key to show or hide the city name or the time zone abbreviation.

    • To restore the default Copy Time format, choose Restore Defaults.

  4. Choose the time in the Copy Time submenu to copy it to the Clipboard.