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Use favorite cities

You can include frequently used cities in your Favorites so that you can quickly add them to the Meeting Planner.

To add a city to your Favorites:

  1. Choose View > Meeting Planner.

  2. Click the Add (+) button at the bottom of the table and choose Add City from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select a city in the list and click the "Add to Favorites" button.

  4. Click Cancel to close the dialog and click OK if you want to add the city to the Meeting Planner and close the dialog.

If you want to quickly add a city that you are currently showing in the Meeting Planner to your Favorites, you can click it in the table header and choose "Add to Favorites" from the Action pop-up menu (looks like a gear) at the bottom of the table.

To add a favorite city to the Meeting Planner:

Click the Add (+) button at the bottom of the table and choose the city from the pop-up menu.

To remove a city from your Favorites:

  1. Choose View > Meeting Planner.

  2. Choose "Remove from Favorites" from the Action pop-up menu (looks like a gear) at the bottom of the table.

  3. Select one or more cities in the list.

    To select cities that are next to each other (contiguous) in the list, press the Shift key and then click the first and last city; to select cities that are not next to each other in the list, press the Command key and then click each city.

  4. Click the "Remove from Favorites" button or press the Delete key.

  5. Click Done to close the dialog.