World Clock Deluxe Icon

An overview of the Time Converter

Often make phone calls to another country at a pre-set time in the other country or join conference calls set up by people in other countries? Calculating the corresponding local time is simple arithmetics, but it nevertheless generally causes a lot of headscratching and always the inmost doubt: after all, have I got it right?

World Clock Deluxe helps you with its Time Converter which allows you to easily calculate time conversions between different cities or time zones.

To calculate time conversions:

  • Make World Clock Deluxe active and choose View > Time Converter.

  • Click any clock in the palette and choose Time Converter from the pop-up menu.

  • Click the World Clock Deluxe status menu icon or clock and choose Time Converter.

  • Press and hold the World Clock Deluxe icon in the Dock and choose Time Converter from the pop-up menu.