World Clock Deluxe Icon

Change the Clocks palette font and type size

You can choose any font and type size to display times in the Clocks palette.

To change the font and type size of the Clocks palette:

  1. On macOS 13 or later, choose World Clock Deluxe > Settings. On macOS 12 or earlier, choose World Clock Deluxe > Preferences. Then click Palette.

  2. Choose a font from the Font pop-up menu. If you want to use the system font, choose "System font".

  3. Specify a type size using the Size combo box. You can choose a size from the list or specify a custom size.

To quickly change the font and type size of the Clocks palette:

Control-click the palette's background and choose a font and a type size from Font and Font Size submenus of the shortcut menu.

If you want to use the system font, choose "System font".