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Copy conversions from the tape

You can copy conversions to the Clipboard and then paste them in other applications. Alternatively, you can drag conversions from the tape to document windows in other applications.

To copy conversions to the Clipboard:

  1. Select the text you want to copy. To select the whole tape, click it and choose Edit > Select All.

  2. If you want to include thousands separators in your copy, choose Edit > Copy Thousands Separators.

  3. Choose Edit > Copy.

To copy conversions to a document window in another application:

  1. Select the conversions you want to copy.

    To select conversions that are next to each other (contiguous) in the tape, select the first conversion, press the Shift key and then select the last conversion; to select conversions that are not next to each other in the list, press the Command key and then select each conversion.

  2. Choose Edit > Tape Clipping Format, and then choose a format.

    Tape formats

  3. If you want to include thousands separators, choose Edit > Copy Thousands Separators.

  4. Drag the selection to the document window where you want to include it. Partly selected conversions will be dragged entirely.