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Update rates at startup

You can automatically update exchange rates when you open Currency Assistant.

To update rates at startup:

  1. On macOS 13 or later, choose Currency Assistant > Settings. On macOS 12 or earlier, choose Currency Assistant > Preferences. Then click Rates Update.

  2. Choose an option from the “Update rates at startup” pop-up menu. Choose Always to automatically update rates each time you open Currency Assistant. Choose “Once a day” or “Once a week” if you want to update rates at startup just once a day or once a week.

  3. Choose an action from the “After updating rates at startup” pop-up menu. By default, Currency Assistant displays an alert when some rates can’t be updated. If you prefer not showing this alert, choose “Do nothing”. Alternatively, if you wish to always examine the update log, choose “Show log”.

Related topics

Rates update settings
View update logs