Currency Assistant Icon


Currency Assistant uses the rates published by the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Bank of Italy to automatically update exchange rates over the Internet.

To learn more about a source:

  1. Choose File > Currencies.

  2. Press the Update Rates button in the toolbar and choose Sources from the pop-up menu.

  3. Choose a source from the Source pop-up menu to view a list of the currencies whose rates can be updated from the source.

  4. Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to visit the source’s website and show the latest rates published by the source.

To search the currencies listed by a source:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon in the Search bar in the upper-right corner of the Currencies window and choose an option from the pop-up menu.

  2. Type the text you want to find.

By default, Currency Assistant updates rates using the exchange rates published by the Bank of Italy.

To update rates using a different source:

Choose File > Currencies.

  • To edit a single currency, select it in the list, click the abbreviation in the Update column, and choose a source from the pop-up menu.

  • To edit multiple currencies, select them in the list and click the Get Info button in the toolbar. Choose a source from the Update pop-up menu (dashed sources allow you to update rates just for some of the selected currencies) and click OK.

When rates are temporarily unavailable on the source appearing in the Update column of the Currencies window, you can have Currency Assistant automatically look for them on the other websites by selecting the “Try other sources if rate is not available on favorite website” checkbox in the Rates Update pane of Currency Assistant Settings (macOS 13 or later) or Currency Assistant Preferences (macOS 12 or earlier). You can specify the order in which Currency Assistant tries the other sources by dragging them in the list.

Related topics

Rates update settings
European Central Bank rates
International Monetary Fund rates
Bank of Italy rates