Currency Assistant Icon

Copy Special settings

The Copy Special pane of Currency Assistant Settings (macOS 13 or later) or Currency Assistant Preferences (macOS 12 or earlier) lets you edit the Copy Special submenu of the Edit menu. You can create, edit, delete, and rearrange commands.


Commands list

Drag items in the list to rearrange commands in the Copy Special submenu.

New Command

Click to create a new Copy Special command. Type a name for the new command and specify the format by using the format specifier buttons and typing text in the Format field. Click OK to add the new command.


Click to edit the selected command in the list. Rename the command or edit its format, then click OK.


Click to quickly duplicate the selected command in the list.


Click to delete the selected commands in the list. Alternatively, you can delete commands by pressing the Delete key.

Related topics

Use Copy Special commands