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Copy paths to the Clipboard

While browsing the Special menu you can easily copy file and folder paths to the Clipboard.

Application Wizard lets you copy URLs or choose between four different path styles (POSIX, Terminal, HFS, Windows). POSIX paths are the paths commonly used on macOS, while HFS paths are used in AppleScript.

To copy a path to the Clipboard:

  • To copy the path of a folder, select the folder in the Special menu to display its contents and choose a path style from the Copy Path submenu.

  • To quickly copy the path of a folder, select the folder in the Special menu to display its contents and choose the Copy Path menu item. Application Wizard will use the path style specified in the Special Menu pane of the Menus window.

  • To copy the path of a file, select the file in the Special menu to preview it and choose a path style from the Copy Path submenu.

  • To quickly copy the path of a file, select the file in the Special menu to preview it and choose the Copy Path menu item. Application Wizard will use the path style specified in the Special Menu pane of the Menus window.

Note: To view the style of the quick Copy Path command, hold down the Control key while displaying the Special menu.

To specify the style of the quick Copy Path command:

  1. Open Application Wizard.

  2. Choose Window > Menus and click Special Menu in the sidebar.

  3. Select “Last style” in the Quick Copy Path pop-up menu if you want to always use the last style you chose from the Copy Path submenu. Alternatively, you can select a favorite style.