World Clock Deluxe Icon

World Clock Deluxe 4 Help


Get started

Work with clocks
Work with cities
Work with time zones

Plan international meetings
Calculate time conversions
Show the weather

Show clocks in the palette
Show clocks in the Dock
Show clocks in the menu bar

Solve problems


Version history
Show clocks in the palette

An overview of the Clocks palette

Show and hide the Clocks palette
Move and resize the Clocks palette
Anchor the Clocks palette to a screen corner

Hide the Clocks palette controls
Change the Clocks palette orientation

Show and hide clocks from the Clocks palette
Edit clocks from the Clocks palette
Rearrange clocks in the Clocks palette

Show analog clocks in the Clocks palette
Rotate clocks in the Clocks palette

Change the Clocks palette level
Change the Clocks palette font and type size
Change your clocks' background in the Clocks palette
Change your clocks' opacity in the Clocks palette

Customize the Clocks palette pop-up menu
Copy times from the Clocks palette pop-up menu

Clocks palette tips and tricks